25 years and hundreds of safety projects for the process industries down the line, Avanceon knows how essential educating engineers is. In industries such as Oil & Gas, proper training of engineers is not optional, it is critical both in terms of reliability and safety. Over the past decades, we have trained thousands of engineers on leading automation & control technologies.
“Safety is paramount in every project we undertake,” Tanveer Karamat, COO of Avanceon, added. “Without the correct procedures in place we would be risking our people and the lives of those around them. Training sessions strengthen trust in our working methods and build sustainable working relationships.”
Our new training centre hosted its first session this week, on 15th September 2015. It is testament to Avanceon’s global industry recognition that one of the world’s most prominent OEMs, Honeywell Analytics for Fire & Gas Detection, presented to our longstanding local customers DESCON, specifically requested by their Fire and Gas specialist team. Avanceon were fortunate to be running the session alongside Bashar Abuhamdan, Sales Manager from Honeywell Saudi Arabia at our Lahore, Pakistan office. An expert in safety for the Oil & Sector, Mr Abuhamdan covered core sensing technologies, overall detection of gas and flames, plus electrochemical sensors. The group who attended had several fresh insights to take away with them regarding safety techniques for deployment in future projects.
At Avanceon we are making a great strides to enhance our training and knowledge-sharing environment, which has had the learner in mind, as it is central to our value-offering. This is the precise reason why we recently opened our very own dedicated world-class facilities. The new space offers learners the chance to fully absorb new skills and insights in relaxed and comfortable surroundings.
“This was a fantastic workshop to begin using the facility with, as it allowed us to invite two partners we have longstanding relationships with into the room together. Knowledge sharing is an area we can add great value and now we have the venue on-site to offer this in comfort,” Adeel Khalid who spearheads the department of AMS [After Market Solutions].
This is the next step in our commitment to safety and education. Get in touch with the AMS team directly if you are interested to learn more.